Assassin’s Creed maker launches police alert system to fight toxic gaming
The manufacturer of major franchises including ‘Assassin’s’ Creed’ and ‘Rainbow Six’ has teamed up with police to create an alert system that flags toxic online gaming behaviour from grooming to bullying and death threats.
2023-02-13 21:00

ePremier League returns for fifth year
The Premier League and EA Sports have announced the return of the ePremier League for the 2022/23 season - returning for a fifth year - with registrations now open to enter.
2022-10-19 23:00

Hideo Kojima threatens legal action over social media posts accusing him of murdering Shinzo Abe
Hideo Kojima's Kojima Productions threatens legal action over social media posts accusing him of murdering the former Japanese Prime Minister,Shinzo Abe.
2022-07-12 18:00