Best Items to Build on Milio in League of Legends
The best items to build on Milio in League of Legends will be enchanter items that increase healing and shielding power. Here are the best three items for him.
2023-03-07 04:00

Best Champions to Pair With Milio in League of Legends
Milio will be released in a couple weeks, and his abilities are officially announced. Here are the top three champions to pair with Milio in bot lane.
2023-03-07 04:00

League of Legends Milio Abilities
League of Legends Milio and his abilities were officially announced today. Milio will release in a couple weeks, so here is a rundown for all of his abilities.
2023-03-07 03:00

League of Legends Milio Release Date
The official release date for the new League of Legends character Milio has not been announced yet. Players can anticipate March due to prior release patterns.
2023-02-03 05:00

League of Legends Milio Abilities Leaked
The new League of Legends support called Milio has been announced and will be the first champion to release in 2023. His abilities have been partially leaked.
2023-02-02 08:00