Legend Passive Perk Rework Seemingly Coming in Apex Legends Season 16
It appears the passive perk system may be receiving some major changes in Season 16 of Apex Legends.
2023-04-10 15:38
Apex Legends Upcoming Legend 'Ballistic' Seemingly Leaked
It appears the appearance and ability kit of the next character coming to Apex Legends has been leaked in full.
2023-04-10 15:38
League of Legends Milio Abilities
League of Legends Milio and his abilities were officially announced today. Milio will release in a couple weeks, so here is a rundown for all of his abilities.
2023-04-10 15:37
Your Pokemon Stat Generator: How to Do
Your Pokemon Stat Generator is a diagnosis tool on ShindanMaker which shows what your Pokemon stats would be based on your name.
2023-04-10 15:37